Document Translation

Translate your documents while preserving the original formatting

Upload your document

Supports Word, PDF, PowerPoint, Excel and plain text files

Supported Formats

Microsoft Word (.docx, .doc)
PDF Documents (.pdf)
Excel Spreadsheets (.xlsx, .xls)
PowerPoint (.pptx, .ppt)
Plain Text (.txt)


Maintains Formatting

Preserves the original document's layout and styling

Batch Translation

Translate multiple documents simultaneously

Fast Processing

Quick translation with real-time progress tracking

AI-Powered Translation

Experience the next generation of language translation

Fast & Accurate

State-of-the-art AI models deliver lightning-fast and precise translations

100+ Languages

Support for over 100 languages with context-aware translations

Document Translation

Translate entire documents while preserving formatting

Context-Aware Translation

Our AI understands the context of your content, ensuring more natural and accurate translations than traditional tools.

Advanced neural networks for better understanding

Maintains tone and style across languages

Real-time translation with instant results

Translation Accuracy99.9%
Response Time< 0.5s
User Satisfaction98%